I don’t know about you, but my elementary students are ALL ABOUT the song “Old Town Road” right now. At first I wasn’t a fan, but I have to admit it has grown on me. There are only 4 more work days until summer, so I needed a lesson that would keep my students engaged and also pack in some standards. In came the idea for a rhythm stick lesson incorporating “Old Town Road” that teaches about form. This lesson was definitely a hit with the students. And if I’m being honest, it’s probably one of my favorite lessons I’ve taught this whole year! This is why I just HAD to share it with you today!
First, I explain that form is how we organize a song into sections. It’s often a pattern, and each section is represented by a letter. A form can be as simple as ABA. An example I give the students of ABA form is “Hello” by Adele. I have them raise their hand when they hear the B section, in which they’ll hear a change in instrumentation, melody, rhythm, tempo, etc. After this, I usually show the Form video from the Quaver curriculum, or the other Form video featured below.
After the form video, we listen to the clean version of “Old Town Road” on Youtube. I ask them to raise their hand when they hear each section. I usually pause it on each section and ask them what changed about the song and why it’s a new section. This is also a great opportunity to analyze the song with the elements of music. Ask them about tempo, dynamics, style, instrumentation, form, meter, timbre, rhythm and more. When it comes to style, I usually tell them it is a “genre-bender” which means more than 2 styles together in a song. The 2 styles being country and hip-hop.
After we’ve figured out the form of “Old Town Road,” (ABCBCA) we clap out rhythm patterns that represent each section. After they’ve clapped it out successfully, I hand out rhythm sticks and we try it with the music on the youtube video. The rhythm patterns can be performed with rhythm sticks or bucket drums! I already put my bucket drums away so I chose rhythm sticks. If you’d like a bucket drum lesson, check out my “We Will Rock You” bucket drum/guitar blog post.
LESSON EXTENSION: Use these Music Listening worksheets to analyze musical elements of “Old Town Road.”
I hope you have a great time teaching this lesson!!! And an even greater time on your summer break. : ) I’d love to hear about what you’re doing this summer. Come hang out with me on social media so we can make our friendship official!!
Keepin’ it simple,
Paige Bell