I love Christmas. The decorations, hot chocolate, carols, cheesy hallmark movies, and cozying up on the couch by the fire. I even love helping my students prepare for their Winter Program. This year, I wanted my ukulele club to perform a few Christmas carols. But after some searching, it was hard to find songs to perform that only require 2 or 3 chords.
When teaching beginner ukulele, it’s so important to get students performing early on. Kids are much more likely to stick with an instrument if they feel successful from the beginning. These first three songs are for students who know just the C and F chords. I typically start them with the C chord and then move to the easy F chord. If you want to learn more about how I teach beginner ukulele, take a look at my last post-“Top 5 Tips for Teaching Ukulele”.

After students have mastered the C and F chord, I typically teach the G7 chord next. I do this because G7 uses the same first finger as the F chord and it usually is a more seamless transition than teaching the regular G chord. Here are the same Christmas carols but with G7 included.
Image from kalanimusic.com
Also, Ukuleles make excellent Christmas presents-especially for those budding musicians! If you’re looking for beginner ukulele recommendations, here are my top 2:
2. Hola! Music Soprano Ukulele Bundle:
I hope you and your students enjoy these beginner Ukulele Christmas carols! If you need more Winter ideas for your music classroom, check out these blog posts: “Top 5 Music Activities for the Nutcracker”, “Top 7 Christmas Songs for Pre-K & Kinder”, “Nutcracker Story & Music Questions”, “Winter Celebrations Alphabet Program” and you can also browse on my TPT store if you’d like. Happy Holiday season!! Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my e-mail list to receive the freebie of the month, resources and updates!
Keepin’ it simple,
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