Hello friends! At the beginning of this school year, I received 9 new Ipads through a grant I applied for. I was so excited and starting researching all of the best music education apps. I soon realized that there were SO many options for apps, but only a few that I would actually implement into…
homeschool activity
The Cup Game
Hey friends! Do you want to know what the most under-utilized household musical instrument is? Your every day, run-of-the-mill, PLASTIC CUP that resides in your kitchen cabinet. If you’ve never tried learning the cup game, there is no better time than now! Your kids will also be so excited for you to teach them this….
Bim Bum Biddy hand-clapping game
Hello everyone! I hope your Spring Break was absolutely everything you needed and more. But if not, hang in there! We’ve only got 2 ½ months until the big summer break! We can do this. It’s always this time of year when I need some lesson plans that really get me excited to go to…