Even though it seems daunting, in most school districts you can make distance learning as simple or as complicated as you want. And as always, my choice is to keep things simple yet effective. So I wanted to share with you what I’m doing to keep distance learning simple for teaching elementary music.
music teacher lesson plans
“The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything”-Storybook+Movement+Instruments
One of my favorite things to do in the music classroom is read books to my students! I especially love it when the book has musical aspects to it so it can be easily incorporated into my music curriculum. A book that I look forward to reading every Fall is “The Little Old Lady Who…
The Cup Game
Hey friends! Do you want to know what the most under-utilized household musical instrument is? Your every day, run-of-the-mill, PLASTIC CUP that resides in your kitchen cabinet. If you’ve never tried learning the cup game, there is no better time than now! Your kids will also be so excited for you to teach them this….